Sunday 2 October 2011

Nice and Gory

The main difference I've noticed between Ontario and Alberta since I've gotten here is that the grounds surrounding government buildings are much more upkept and nicer in Alberta. There are beautiful bright flowers everywhere, a lot of which I've never seen in Toronto. They look healthy to the point of almost being fake. In Ontario, some grounds are plain grass, dying bushes, or ugly flowers.

I visited the Royal Alberta Museum yesterday and while it was no Royal Ontario Museum, the thing I liked best about it was that it didn't shy away from reality, nevermind that there are so many kids visiting the museum. While other museums have stale re-creations, if I were a kid there I would've gotten nightmares from this one. Recorded voices and animal sounds emitted from hidden speakers and the display cases and dioramas were quite graphic. There was an enlargement of a decomposing dead rat, bacterium, blood coming out of a buffalo's nose with a spear in its side and giant cockroaches.

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