Tuesday 12 July 2011

Waiting and Hopping

Hello dear friends. We meet again. Did you know that the words ‘to wait’ (esperar) and ‘hope’ (esperanza) have the same root in Spanish?

The most curious thing about Nica is that all the buildings are open to the air, al fresco. It doesn’t matter if it pours buckets of rain every day. They let the rainwater indoors then just mop it up later. Very close to nature.

The mosquitoes are still biting everyday, but the good news is that my stomach is more and more agreeing to gallo pinto and the diet of beans and rice than before. My 2 weeks here has confirmed my love for thunderstorms, disproved my love for cities (car fumes are bad).

I am staying in Esteli, a place of about 100,000 people that has 180 murals around the city. 300 if people hadn’t erased them from before. The oldest mural is one by the founders of FUNARTE, the organization I’m working for. It is along the wall of the miitary and it is very grand. There’s a lot of motion and emotion in the mural. And our team will be painting one son enough!

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