Thursday 1 January 2009

Some Pics from London and Paris

I took lots of pictures, I reassure you, but I will post only ones that I think are iconic of the places I went to.

A side street of Piccadilly Circus. Purposely included the bus in the picture.

Beautiful St. Paul's at night.

My favourite picture, as I have already mentioned.

Going deep down underground. Reminds me of Hong Kong metro, sort of, except some of these are really far underground.


Across from Westminster and Big Ben.

A view from the Eiffel Tower.

I'll pay you 1 Kr if you correctly guess what this is.

Inside the Petit Palais - beautiful. After seeing this, you have to wonder at places like CNE in Toronto - if it's an exhibition place, why not make it beautiful? Why cement and darkness.

Arc de Triomphe.

Mona Lisa in the Louvre.

Centre Pompidou.

Me trying hard to be a Parisian with the cheese and scarf and black coat thing going. Don't mind the jeans.

A room in Versailles. Some kid got in the way of the picture!


The Seine.

Oscar Wilde's grave full of kisses.


A bakery in Chartres - they said they were chocolatiers but there seemed to be more macarons than chocolate!

Even the outside of mundane cinemas are artsy. Notice all those bikies.

There was an ongoing Christmas market in the Champs-Elysée. With lots of food, of course. And waffles. Yum.

An image exhibition at night inside the Grand Palais.

This photo has nothing and everything to do with travel: I had already packed my toothbrush into my bag, but I felt I had bad breath and plaque build-up. Whoever made this up is a genius: it's a mini toothbrush you can put right in your mouth and chew like gum. It's powdered with mint flavour, too, so it cleans your breath.

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